Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I guess i can start off by saying hi. Im new to the whole blogger thing so lets start things off by me telling a little about myself. I was born and still are being raised in Chicago. Im a teenager at one of the most prestine high schools in the city...and state. Not really able to legally drive yet but Im not just starting out on the high school scene so that makes me lucky age 15.

Lets see. I have been writing short stories and poems since like the fourth grade. Been in love with writing ever since than and will always be. My mom and some teachers have even said I have a gift for writing. I don't know how true this is but I do know that I enjoy creating realms, worlds, and fictional experiences from things I see all around me. Sometimes I even use my own experiences in a exaggerated fashion to tell stories also.

I like learning and trying new things. Especially when they seem like a challenge but I know that if I conquer it, it will be something I say I can do. I hope to learn alot of new things this year. Literature and otherwise. Though the syllabus looks overwhelming I know that with determination, organization, and time mangaement i can get it accomplished.

Well thats a little bit of me. Don't want all my personal junk out on the internet. Never know where that will end up. But thats another topic. Until my next assignment, au revoir.


  1. awh faith i love how you explained how you love to write, i totally get you :D

  2. I can easily relate to the writing. I love writing and expressing myself. I've been told since 2nd grade I can write. I hope to read some of the pieces we'll be doing in class. Can't wait! Keep it up!

  3. Faith!!! Buddy!! Hey I know from last year that you are an AWESOME writer. I mean whenever we had a writing assignment, you would be finished in two seconds and I still didn't even know what I wanted to write about!!

  4. Thanks for the posts!! Im totally commenting on urs now. Hahaha!!
