Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of Angry God

The puritans believed if you were a sinner then God is standing over you with a bow and arrow waiting for you to slip up so he can shoot you in the heart. Now i don't know what bible they were reading and studying but that is all a bunch of nonsense. The puritans were quite wacky when it came to religion. But when it came to structure and how they ran things, they were really successful. I mean sure 'work and play' was their motto but it worked. They had a very accomplished colony. Even though people broke away from the puritan colony because of its strict rules and rediculous teachings it still was on top of the game man lol.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

As an african- american female I have gone through two types of clashes. Being a woman and being black.

Though society has come around (mostly), there are still some sexism and racism. And im sure they will never completely disappear. Because, I mean, when you actually think about it what would society really be like if no one hated someone else because they were different. Or maybe its not hate at all. Really looking back over our history, division was mostly set because one culture felt more superior or advanced to another and felt they could take over and colonize. The white man's burden also explains their thoughts on "uncivilized people".

Anyway. There hasn't always been a clash with women and having the same rights as men. The man was the head of the household, the hunter, the warrior, this was normal. In modern society though, women have taken on these roles and have worn them proudly. But these things were not given freely. Alot of people say change is good but nobody really wants change, especially when things are going their way already. Women have been battling to have the same rights and jobs as men so in the end there is nothing but head bumping between men and women. This is nothing new though. I feel as though men and women were designed to bumpheads. Either because we are so different or really the same.

Now the clashes of black and white have been going on for hundreds of years. But who really hasn't had problems with the europeans. No offense but they came over here to the "new world", became friendly with the natives and the natvies taught them how to use the land for their benefit. And instead of sharing the land they had to colonize it all (along with the spanish but that is a different story). Though we shouldn't be surprised because most people's motives aren't pure. But you would think that they would have been a little more hospitable to them. But then again who really cares when it comes to what you want, money, power and/or religion. Depending on how you view it.

Africans were taken from Their land and brought here as slaves. As time goes on, there is a grudge that has been held by blacks against whites from that day until today. Though that grudge has been let go by people who actually build relationships with whites, there is always that iffyness when a black family moves into a prodominately white neighborhood and vise versa. I believe its the whites that mostly have a problem with blacks moving into their neighborhood. I mean crime rates would have anyone rethink where they live. Even with our own people. Well time for sleep though nowadays its totally overated hahahaha. Au revoir!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I guess i can start off by saying hi. Im new to the whole blogger thing so lets start things off by me telling a little about myself. I was born and still are being raised in Chicago. Im a teenager at one of the most prestine high schools in the city...and state. Not really able to legally drive yet but Im not just starting out on the high school scene so that makes me lucky age 15.

Lets see. I have been writing short stories and poems since like the fourth grade. Been in love with writing ever since than and will always be. My mom and some teachers have even said I have a gift for writing. I don't know how true this is but I do know that I enjoy creating realms, worlds, and fictional experiences from things I see all around me. Sometimes I even use my own experiences in a exaggerated fashion to tell stories also.

I like learning and trying new things. Especially when they seem like a challenge but I know that if I conquer it, it will be something I say I can do. I hope to learn alot of new things this year. Literature and otherwise. Though the syllabus looks overwhelming I know that with determination, organization, and time mangaement i can get it accomplished.

Well thats a little bit of me. Don't want all my personal junk out on the internet. Never know where that will end up. But thats another topic. Until my next assignment, au revoir.